Members: 1  •  Posts: 102  •  Topics: 100 Please welcome Shenreed, our newest member.

About this Forum

No New Posts Welcome!

Brief overview of this site.

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Last post by Shenreed
in Welcome to the Heart Cen...
on 2016 33, 07/15/16, 19:33:39 PM

No New Posts Posting Messages

Please follow these guidelines when posting.

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Last post by Shenreed
in Please follow these guid...
on 2017 22, 06/13/17, 16:22:44 PM

No New Posts *** News & Updates ***

10 Posts
9 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in 2021 Feb 13 - Forum open...
on 2021 12, 02/13/21, 12:12:44 PM

General Topics

No New Posts "The Lounge" - New Member Introductions and Greetings

Introduce yourself, and welcome new members.

4 Posts
3 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Re: new member here
on 2017 28, 06/13/17, 16:28:03 PM

No New Posts Questions, Comments & Suggestions

Post your questions, comments, and suggestions for this community here.

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No New Posts Test Area & Playground

Not sure of what you're doing, this is the place to try it out.

2 Posts
2 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Inserting images
on 2016 16, 07/16/16, 12:16:10 PM

Videos - The Empaths Dilemma

No New Posts General

General topics on various issues facing an Empath

23 Posts
23 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in SV-149G - The Coming Cha...
on 2024 29, 04/05/24, 16:29:04 PM

No New Posts Anger and Rage

8 Posts
8 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in SV-141A - Self Hatred an...
on 2024 52, 04/04/24, 21:52:05 PM

No New Posts Heartbreak and Grief

5 Posts
5 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in SV-133H - Heartbreak - l...
on 2024 23, 04/04/24, 22:23:38 PM

No New Posts Fear and Terror

13 Posts
13 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in SV-147F - The Matrix - S...
on 2024 19, 04/04/24, 22:19:49 PM

Healing and Self-empowerment

No New Posts Being an Empath - Being Different

Feeling alone, unwanted, unloved, misunderstood, confused, etc. Feeling other peoples emotions and physical pain as your own. As an Empath, this is not new to you.

4 Posts
4 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Feeling different, lost ...
on 2018 24, 02/26/18, 10:24:13 AM

No New Posts Relationships Issues

Problems with father, mother, siblings, spouse, children, relatives, friends, co-workers, peers, society, etc.

3 Posts
3 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Love, honesty, truth and...
on 2018 49, 02/27/18, 19:49:09 PM

No New Posts Gaslighting and Narcissists

While opposites attract, the narcissist and his/her gaslighting techniques is the nemesis of an Empath.

2 Posts
2 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in 11 Signs of Gaslighting ...
on 2017 57, 06/15/17, 14:57:19 PM

No New Posts Heartbreak

Depression, confused, unloved, alone, loss, abandoned, doubt, guilt, shame, self-hatred, etc.

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No New Posts Fear & Terror

Fears, panic, fight, flight, or give up, phobias, numb, frozen, no trust, etc.

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No New Posts Anger & Rage

Stress, anxiety, jealousy, mental, emotional, and physical abuse

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No New Posts Other Emotions

Too many to even begin to list.

1 Posts
1 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Feelings are not somethi...
on 2017 26, 06/19/17, 15:26:23 PM

No New Posts Energy Issues

Attachments, Chakras, Auras, Physical Illness, feeling drained, etc.

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No New Posts Physical Issues & Illness

Smoking, drinking, drugs, habits, fatigue, pain, disease, etc.

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No New Posts Illness, Aging, Death

Body illness and Accidents, NDE, OBE, Spirit, Soul, Heart, Body.

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No New Posts The Unseen Role of Denial

Empaths are unaware of their denials and how they negatively affect their lives; or if they are aware, are afraid to end them.

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No New Posts Guilt & Shame

Examining Guilt and Shame, and how they control our lives

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No New Posts Inner & Outer Child

Shock, fragmentation, abandoned, unloved, sub-conscious, & unconscious

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No New Posts Imprints, Programs, & Beliefs

How we are being controlled by what is said and not being said

2 Posts
2 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Cognitive Dissonance – T...
on 2018 17, 03/01/18, 17:17:02 PM

No New Posts Love - Conditional & Unconditional

Denial, Attachments, Judgments, Control, Power, Guilt, Shame, Truth, Connection, Compassion, Acceptance,

4 Posts
4 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Love is
on 2021 01, 02/13/21, 12:01:39 PM

No New Posts Co-equal Therapy

Wholistic healing of our Will (Feelings & Emotions), Spirit (Mind and thoughts), and Body with Heart presence.

3 Posts
3 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in What is Co-equal Therapy...
on 2017 09, 06/18/17, 21:09:42 PM


No New Posts Meditation / Visualization

The primary tools used to link the Physical and the Spiritual

1 Posts
1 Topics

Last post by Shenreed
in Journeys from the Heart ...
on 2021 07, 02/15/21, 22:07:04 PM

No New Posts Divination - Astrology, Tarot Cards, Pendulums, Numerology

Astrology, Tarot Cards, Pendulums, Dowsing, Numerology, crystals, etc.

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No New Posts Animal Totems & Guides

Contact and Guidance from the Spirit Realm

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No New Posts Astral Plane, Ghosts, Possession, etc.

The thin veil between the Spiritual and Physical realities

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No New Posts Past Lives, Reincarnation, Karma

Identify links to present issues, and reclaim lost power and essence

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No New Posts Channeled Messages

Messages from our Guides and the Spirit Realm

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No New Posts Psychic Abilities & Experiences

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Claircognizance, Precognition, Psychometry, Retrocognition, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, etc

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No New Posts Chakras, Auras, Kundalini

Our Spiritual energy centers that manifest our physical Body.

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No New Posts Natural, Physical & Energy Healing Tools

Crystals, Colour, Sound, Herbs, Reflexology, Massage, Yoga, Dance, Drumming, T.T, Reiki, Shiatsu, Acupressure, etc.

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Old World

No New Posts Earth Mysteries & Mythology

Pan, Lumeria, Atlantis, Scared Sites, Gods & Goddesses

1 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in 280 Million Year Old Foo...
on 2017 37, 06/19/17, 16:37:10 PM

No New Posts Politics

One of our biggest hindrances toward self-empowerment. Discussions political leaders and governments.

1 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in Politics is just another...
on 2017 03, 06/25/17, 11:03:39 AM

No New Posts Religions

Our biggest hindrances toward self-empowerment. Discussions on various religious beliefs.

3 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in Religion Is ‘Made Up’ & ...
on 2016 43, 08/11/16, 10:43:29 AM

No New Posts Science & Technology

Technology has evolved exponentially in the last 100 years, changing human behaviour and reality, some for the good, others not so good.

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No New Posts Conspiracies & cover-ups

Denials are being exposed to reveal the truth that's been hidden.

2 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in 9/11 Conspiracy Theory!
on 2016 54, 09/03/16, 10:54:38 AM

No New Posts Covid-19 Pandemic - NWO

The Plan-demic as a diversion to implement the NWO agenda

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New World

No New Posts Earth Changes

Witnessing the Earth in transformation

2 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in Sinkholes more common
on 2016 07, 08/02/16, 20:07:39 PM

No New Posts Dreams and Visions

Creating and new reality

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No New Posts Et's - Extra-terrestrials

Messages and contacts with our Alien brothers and sisters.

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No New Posts Poems, Stories & Stuff

Be creative, express yourself!

1 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in Going in Circles
on 2021 53, 02/26/21, 09:53:38 AM

No New Posts Books, Movies & Music

Share your favorites.

1 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in The Matrix - Red or Blue...
on 2017 45, 06/22/17, 09:45:07 AM

No New Posts Personal Journeys

Create a mini-blog of your personal healing experiences and journey.

1 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in Shenreed - My Journey
on 2016 20, 08/01/16, 17:20:33 PM

No New Posts Food for Thought

Posts to make you think, to feel, to ponder what is being said and what is NOT being said.

3 Posts
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Last post by Shenreed
in Three Causes for Blindne...
on 2017 39, 06/19/17, 16:39:37 PM

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