Author Topic: SV-140A - Protesting the System  (Read 701 times)

Offline Shenreed

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SV-140A - Protesting the System
« on: 2024 50, 04/04/24, 21:50:06 PM »
SV-140A - Protesting the System. 

A new phrase going around is that people are “woke,” that they realize something is wrong with the system and the system needs to change. The flaw in their thinking is that they need to be the ones who change, and not the system, as the system is based in denial. The protesters don’t realize that they are going “cap in hand,” to the controllers, wanting to control them and make them do as they say. Those in a position of power aren’t going to change what they created as their power is based in denial and MONEY. Money gives them the power to buy things, to buy people, politicians, bureaucrats, doctors, media, military, whatever they want. When the love for power is replaced with the power of love, we’ll see a change. The system is going to crumble and fall, and if you have the mindset that it can change, you are going to go with it. 

So how do you create a new reality? We need to be the change, but this is something that we have never done before, as it’s the opposite of the present reality. I have a few things under my belt, but I’m just scratching the tip of the iceberg, and I’ve got a lot more to do.
« Last Edit: 2024 53, 04/05/24, 16:53:22 PM by Shenreed »