Author Topic: Cognitive Dissonance – The unseen role of denial.  (Read 6280 times)

Offline Shenreed

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Cognitive Dissonance – The unseen role of denial.
« on: 2018 17, 03/01/18, 17:17:02 PM »
I didn’t realize until this morning that cognitive dissonance is so persuasive and in control of our society. Initially, I related it with politics and religion, but it is far more insidious than that as its vile tentacles reach into the very core and heart of our being. Here is a link to the original video, made back in the 50's, and is NOT, repeat NOT what is presently being circulated in the media.  Here is the link.

Cognitive dissonance is when you’re basically an honest and loving person, and you know the truth and the difference between right and wrong, but have now changed to the opposite polarity, that of denial and unlovingness. Where this gets twisted and unloving is when one has been coerced, either though monetary gain, indoctrinated, or is just innocently willing to help another that seems to be in trouble to tell a lie, or a little white lie as it’s sometimes called. They tell the lie and then repeat it enough times and soon enough they begin to believe the lie is the truth. If asked, they will have either forgotten their own truth, or they choose deny it. They have been corrupted into being in denial and living a lie, and even worse, they are oblivious to that fact and will defiantly state otherwise.

Now getting down to the nitty gritty. Like I said, I originally equated it with politics and religion, but it is everywhere in society. Military, police, lawyers, judges, financial institutions, media, education, science, technology, industry, food, water, medical, doctors, pharmaceuticals, energy, transportation, etc.. Basically, anyone that is in the “work force" is living a lie. They are told how to do things if they want to keep their job, and even though they know that what they are doing is wrong, a lie and unloving, they still do it and will defend their actions, even if their only reason for doing so is that they are just, “doing their job and following orders.” So when you spend so much of your time "living a lie," is it any wonder you can't make the changes you would like in your life,  without a major shift in your consciousness that is terrifying, as it goes against everything that you believe to be true.
« Last Edit: 2018 19, 03/01/18, 17:19:41 PM by Shenreed »