Author Topic: What is Co-equal Therapy? (Part-3)  (Read 6688 times)

Offline Shenreed

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What is Co-equal Therapy? (Part-3)
« on: 2017 09, 06/18/17, 21:09:42 PM »
Co-equal Therapy can be done either individually, in couples, or in a group session, depending on what you and they are comfortable with. There needs to be a safe and supportive environment where it is OK to EXPRESS all of your feelings and emotions, both “positive” and “negative.” As a sense of trust, openness, and acceptance are developed, deep-seated fears and emotions can be felt and expressed and as the healing process begins, you will experience a new found sense of freedom, self-empowerment and well being. For those that are comfortable in expressing their emotions and issues in public, group synergy and dynamics produce intensive healing experiences, including healing by osmosis.

Is your health, work or personal relationships being affected by so called “negative” emotions and are you finding that trying to control, get a grip, cope, or denying them just isn’t working for you? If this is the case, then DENIAL is not your “natural” state of being and it may be time for you to look within to see what is really causing your present experiences and to end your deep seated denials of self. Listed below are just some of the most common issues and emotions addressed with Coequal Therapy.

Heartbreak / Grief
Fear / Terror
Anger / Rage
Alone / unloved
Hurting / In Pain
Powerless / Overwhelmed
No control / Controlling
Attachments / letting go
No Choice / Jealousy
Low Self Worth / hopelessness
Stress / Panic Attacks
Depression / Anxiety
Co-Dependency / Withdrawn
Can’t say No / Betrayal
Lack of trust / Too trusting
Not being understood / Being Confused
Self-sacrificing / Obsessive
Mental Abuse / Emotional Abuse
Physical Abuse / Sexual Abuse
Guilt / Shame / Self-Hatred
Phobias / Habits
Numb / Frozen
Sexually Excessive / Repressed
Eating Disorders / Fitness freak
Addicted to Smoking, Drinking,
Drugs (Including Prescription)
Workaholics / Shopaholics
Health Problems

This is a simple overview of Co-equal Therapy and I will be posting on various topics for your information and discussion. Having now written and published three books on my journey, I’m now in the process of putting together my fourth book, that I think I will title, “The Empath’s Dilemma.” I have enough material on this for another three books, so you can see that this topic is not simple. It’s not simple because this material is NEW and is totally opposite the traditional DENIAL based medical and social points-of-view and beliefs which has created all the life experiences we have ever known.