Author Topic: 2017 June 13 - Forum updated  (Read 7365 times)

Offline Shenreed

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2017 June 13 - Forum updated
« on: 2017 40, 06/13/17, 19:40:38 PM »
As the issues with this forum being spammed and hacked seem to have been solved, I've finally gotten around to updating it. It's along the lines of the old forums I had, with various categories and boards. The reason I did this is so that if a person has an interest in a particular subject, or in past posts, it will be easier to find. It's not a Wiki, but it's close.

While I'm presently still in a couple of Facebook groups, and I admit, I had plans of starting one there too, what I found frustrating with them is that the content is continually moving out into the digital cloud; and as more time passes, it becomes almost impossible to find an old post. So for that reason, I'm going to focus on this forum and its format, that can be accessed at any time.
« Last Edit: 2017 23, 06/14/17, 11:23:41 AM by Shenreed »