Author Topic: SV-133H - Heartbreak - loyalty - Queen  (Read 777 times)

Offline Shenreed

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SV-133H - Heartbreak - loyalty - Queen
« on: 2024 23, 04/04/24, 22:23:38 PM »
SV-133H - Heartbreak - loyalty - Queen   

Mass conscious has been programmed to believe that the so-called “common” people need a ruler that needs to be honoured,
respected and obeyed. Those that have been indoctrinated, feel “offended” if others don’t do as they do. So now that the Queen is dead, we are all to suddenly show our respects and offer condolences and sympathy. People aren’t aware, or they choose to deny, that the queen and the British Empire, have blood on their hands. Those loyal to the queen have the belief that everyone should show respect for the dead. One would be a hypocrite if they had no respect for the queen and what she stood for when she was alive, to now suddenly be respectful and in mourning. While some would call this public display of loyalty and mourning as heartbreak, it’s not genuine, but a public display of pomp and ceremony to portray the ruling place of power and control as loving.